Home Business How to Inspect a Home in 3 Easy Steps Before You Buy a Home

How to Inspect a Home in 3 Easy Steps Before You Buy a Home


For most people, their biggest investment in the life is buying a new home or a villa. Because, this is one of the biggest investments, if not the biggest, so it is very important to do a proper inspection of the house.

For small homes, you can do the inspection yourself, but if you are going to buy a luxury house or a villa, then it is preferred to hire a certified villas inspection team for a secure investment. If you are going to buy a new house, then this article is for you as you can learn how to inspect a home yourself.

DIY Home Inspection

You can do the home inspection yourself in these 3 easy steps. You just have to make sure that you have the proper knowledge and safety gloves, helmet and rubber boats during the home inspection.

Walk around the House

You can learn a lot about the condition of the house if you walk around the house on the land that is surrounding the house and the garden. Look for the quality of any exterior structure very carefully such as the garage, driveways and the storage unit.

Try to inspect the house when it’s raining as well as it will provide you a lot of information about the structure of the building. This will help you in identifying any water leakage from the roof. During rain, you can observe that either the water is flowing away from the house or towards the house. Drainage system will also be tested when it is raining.

Look for the Exterior Structure

It is important to look for the building structure from the outside of the house. During your home inspection from the exterior, make sure that paint from the outside is in good condition. Look for the walls and the building structure it should be straight and it should not be sagging or bend from anywhere.

Look for any dents, cracks or damage from the sides of the home if there is no other house wall is attached. Look at the roof from the ground and look if there are any missing shingles? During your home inspection take notes of any points that you noticed during this inspection.

Complete Inspection of Interior Structure

Now it’s time to inspect the interior of the house carefully. This is most important part of the inspection. You have to take care of the following things:

Home Insulation: Ask the seller about the home insulation and material used for this purpose. If it is foam insulation or fiberglass insulation then it is good. Also check the insulation of the plumbing pipes as well.

Hidden Water Leaks: Look at the walls and the floor of the house carefully and try to find any wet spots or formation of the mold. If you find some, then it means that there are some hidden water leaks in the underground plumbing.

Check Electrical Wiring and Appliances: If there are any electric appliances included in the package then carefully check the working of the electrical appliances. Also, check the electrical wiring by wearing the protective gloves and shoes. Make sure that all the sockets and buttons are working fine and there are no nude wires visible.

Doors and Windows: If the doors and windows are made up of wood, then check if they have any problem and they must not be water damaged. Close and open the doors and windows to check they are properly working. Also, don’t ignore the door locks. You can also get the new windows you need with custom design and size.

Check Foundation and Basement: Don’t ignore the basement as most of the problems in any house can be found at the basement. Look for any excessive moisture and water leaks in the basement. Also, check the cracks in the floor or the walls in the basement. You can also inspect the visible foundation and check if there are any cracks in the foundations.

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