Home LifestyleHealth How To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Paw?

How To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Paw?

by theskfeed

Because of the many health problems that must be taken into account when taking care of a dog, many people pay very little attention to the health and condition of their faithful friend’s legs. This is a serious mistake. Just like any other part of the body, a dog’s paws can also be injured or appear red and painful and this can lead to infections.

Taking proper care of your dog’s paws does not simply mean removing the annoying hair around his paws or cutting his nails when necessary. You must get to know its legs and start examining them with a certain regularity so that you can better understand what they need. We will now see what are the bases to take care of the paws of your dog, focusing in particular on the signals indicating the presence of a possible problem.

Know Your Dog’s Paws Links

If you regularly brush your dog’s coat, then you already know his paws very well. But if this is not the case, try to familiarize yourself and get to know this particular part of the body. Gently take your dog’s paws in your hands, touch each finger, and check each fingertip. You have to know by heart the appearance and sensation that your dog’s feet give to the touch so that you can easily notice any change.

The main things to watch out for when examining your dog’s paws are the presence of :

  • Protuberances and growths
  • Scratches and cuts
  • Foreign bodies
  • Infections
  • Calluses (keratosis and hyperkeratosis)

To better check your dog’s paws and assess the presence of any protuberances or growths, wait for the moment when, after a long walk or intense physical activity, your faithful friend will be very tired, then do this: Take one leg with your thumb and forefinger and massage it gently. Very slowly slide your fingers along the entire paw without leaving any points.

Look Out For Scratches or Redness

To evaluate the presence of scratches or cuts, wait for the right moment, generally when the dog has just returned from a long walk or after spending some time outdoors. At this point, position yourself so that you can see the lower part of the legs while the dog is lying on the floor, on the sofa, and in his kennel. Gently lift each leg and separate the toes, carefully check the area between each toe and evaluate for redness, cuts, scratches, or foreign bodies, such as thorns. Apply the best dog paw balm gently on scratches or redness. 

Regularly checking your dog’s paws is also very useful for getting your dog used to this type of examination with some ease, making him aware that both you and the veterinarian could touch this part of his body. This makes cutting the nails and treating any injuries and problems with the legs of the operations much simpler and less traumatic for both you and your faithful friend.

Don’t Skip The Above Routine

Once you know the look and feel that your dog’s paws give to the touch when they are in perfect health and have no problems, continue to keep them checked with some regularity. At least once a week perform a complete check-up to evaluate the presence of protuberances and growths, as well as cuts and scratches. The best way and time to perform this type of check is generally during the weekly grooming and cleaning session. If you wash your dog’s paws very often, especially after the classic daily walks, don’t forget to apply some best dog paw moisturizers.

Final Takeaways

Keeping up with the health of your dog’s paws involves a good combination of a certain daily routine and preventive care suitable for any situation. Checking the paws regularly, adequately protecting the toes, and feet with the best dog paw cream are all things to do to keep your dog’s paws healthy and strong, over the years. Neglecting these symptoms can lead to the onset of a wide range of dog paw problems that can get worse very quickly.

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